In recent years, privacy and freedom have come under attack. State surveillance has intensified, financial regulations have tightened, and the anonymity of transactions has been increasingly scrutinized. Yet, in the face of these challenges, our resolve remains unbroken.
HARDCORE signifies our uncompromising commitment to defending individual autonomy against all forms of control. We reject the chains of coercion and embrace decentralization, anonymity, and cryptographic freedom.
As pioneers of a new order, we stand at the forefront of technological innovation, driving progress for a free society. The old world is crumbling, and from its chaos, we will forge a future built on freedom and innovation.
HARDCORE means challenging control, forging new paths, and continuing the fight for our rights. Let us stand united, firm and unwavering, as we rise together, guided by the indomitable spirit of freedom into the future.
This is our moment.
For the very last time, welcome to the Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis!
Become a part of this unique experience!
AJ Santos
Assistant Professor of Private International Law, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University; Contributor, Monero Konferenco and Monero Policy Working Group.
Andryi Khavr
- Chernobyl 1986 explosion
- USSR empire 1991 collapse
- 1992-1996 Ukrainian hyperinflation
- 2000 dot-com crash
- 2004 Maidan
- 2007-2008 GFC
- 2013-2014 Maidan when Russia occupied Crimea and eastern Ukraine
- 8 years (2014-2022) of “non-war” in Ukraine
- 3 bitcoin halvings
- 2022.02.24 having my family woken up by explosions in Boryspil airport ~15km from my house
- Mar 2022 Russian assault troops being just 5km from my house with all my family
- 1998-till today – building the first completely distributed software development company
Know the failure mode of governance structure by heart.
Praciticing freedom over life over property for 20+ years.
Bogomil Бого Shapov
Human. Artist. Hacker. I care about free and open-source software(F/LOSS), cybersecurity, ethical design, privacy, and technology. 20+ experience in technology. 40+ in being human. I encourage people to become better humans with heavy metal and technologies. I also promote technologies to be considerate of humans. Let’s see how it goes!
I started my career as a young security consultant and hacker, specializing in cryptography and mathematics. My early understanding of cryptocurrencies gave me an edge when the industry boomed in 2015 and I worked with the Ethereum Foundation, Monero Labs, and ZCash, amongst others. In 2019, I designed a cipher for the NIST Lightweight Encryption Standard competition. I also co-founded QANPlatform and partnered with CasperLabs, designing and implementing blockchains. I’ve built numerous dApps, protocols, and chains for various clients and co-organize the largest Capture The Flag event globally, challenging top hackers to break blockchain systems. I’m a member of Hungary’s Center for Physics, focusing on quantum computation and post-quantum cryptography. In 2022, I was listed on Forbes 30 under 30 for achievements in cybersecurity and web3, with several Forbes articles published about me.
Johann Thusbass
Johann stands for the fact that technical possibilities bring freedom – and for the humanistic aspect inherent in individual freedom. As the ICT manager of a swiss SME with 245 employees, he strives to be well-informed about the latest technologies at an early stage. As co-founder and member of the board of Club Hayek Zurich, he got involved early on at the Swiss Crypto Valley.
Pavol Lupták
Global Opportunist, Cryptoanarchist, Voluntaryist, and Perpetual Traveler focused on technology and society hacking. And, of course, the HCPP lover 🙂
Yisi Liu
Yisi is the co-founder and CTO of Mask Network, focusing on bringing privacy and digital ownership back to normal users using simple technologies. He is also a research fellow at the Institute of Network Society at China Academy of Arts, studying how technologies are reshaping our society.
Mário Havel
Mário is a hacker and researcher working with EF on making the crypto ecosystem more efficient and anonymous. As a member of Paralelní Polis, co-founder of Bordel Hackerspace, and the driving force behind Pizza Day Prague, Mário educates about tools of cryptoanarchy in local communities with a focus on onboarding via Lightning and p2p exchange. He is a vast enjoyer of FOSS, parallel economy, and trolling bitcoiners.
Josh Datko
Josh is primarily a hardware hacker known for his talks at hacker cons like DEFCON, HOPE, and CCC. At CCC, he was part of a team that bypassed the security of the Trezor One with a glitch attack. He also built a hardware implant capable of circumventing all monitoring by exfiltrating data out your vga/hdmi/display port.
His latest project is editing Bitpunk.fm, a low-fil cassette audio zine that teaches modern cypherpunk skills. Each issue features technical articles, music submitted by the community, poems, creative re-mixing, and odd sounds.
Kristian Csepcsar
Kristian is a Bitcoin miner & Chief of Propaganda at Braiins – a company building tools for bitcoin miners including pool, firmware, proxy, monitoring, Stratum V2, and more.
Silke Noa
Silke Noa is an activist lawyer and mathematician with a passion for privacy tech. Silke has advised blockchain projects since 2014 focusing on legal product design that is pragmatic and dispute-resistant. Silke is admitted to practice law in England & Wales, New York, and Germany and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
Florian Glatz
Florian is a lawyer, author, advocate; builder, coder, and eternal optimist. He is currently working on Common Ground, a new attempt at creating crypto’s missing app layer, and the European Crypto Initiative—a think tank for improved crypto regulation in the EU.
Focused on bringing anonymity tech to empower people around the world.
Neiman is a mathematician who has been working for most of this decade on peer-to-peer websites (based on IPFS) and identity systems for the Internet. Neiman co-founded projects on peer-to-peer websites such as Esteroids and Almonit. Currently, Neiman works towards building a safer more fair web where users are empowered more than commercial entities.
Bob Summerwill
Bob Summerwill is the Executive Director of the ETC Cooperative. He has been a community member of the Ethereum project since 2015 and of the Hyperledger project since 2016. Bob has been programming since 1984 and a professional software engineer since 1996. He started his blockchain journey in 2014 and he has been building bridges to enterprise and towards mainstream adoption since 2016.
Christian Lewe
Christian is a researcher at Blockstream, where he mainly work on Simplicity. He builds tools and teaching materials around their research projects. Zero-knowledge proofs, cryptography and mathematics are topics he finds very interesting because they are not what they seem on the surface.
Orkun Mahir Kılıç
Orkun is the CEO & Co-Founder of Chainway Labs. Chainway Labs is the company building **Citrea**, Bitcoin’s First ZK Rollup. As an engineer, Orkun has deep expertise in various scaling solutions and their applications, such as horizontal scaling, volitions in rollups, and zero-knowledge technology.
Max Hamsphire
Senior DevRel for Nym building abstractions for privacy devs. Previously a researcher at the INC / MoneyLab and smart contract dev.
Oskar Thorén
Oskar is an independent researcher, focused on programmable cryptography. Recently, he has been writing about Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) at zkintro.com, exploring folding schemes with a Nova-based ZK-VM, and building mopro to make client-side proving on mobile easier. Previously, he founded and was Director of Research at Vac.dev, an R&D organization building public good protocols for the decentralized web, with a focus on privacy and communication.
Charlie Shrem
Pioneering Bitcoin advocate and entrepreneur. Co-founded BitInstant and was a founding member of the Bitcoin Foundation. After facing legal challenges, he rebounded as a key figure in the crypto world, founding CryptoIQ and hosting “The Charlie Shrem Show.” Executive producer of several films, and continues to drive innovation in the cryptocurrency space.
Matthias Tarasiewicz
Matthias Tarasiewicz is an open-source evangelist, a NixOS fundamentalist, and a Monero Cypherpunk. He is a published writer, an awarded researcher in science and technology, and the co-creator of an early Bitcoin art piece Bitcoincloud (2010). He is board alumnus of the OSHWA (Open Source Hardware Association) and is responsible for the research agenda of the RIAT Institute. https://riat.at
Jaromil is a purpose-driven software artisan and hacktivist. Author of the forkbomb virus, dubbed as the most elegant computer code ever written, he is an expert in the politics of technology and doctor in philosophy. Jaromil is the founder of Dyne.org and has a long history in developing and disseminating digital tools for freedom of speech and privacy. For more Info and publications see jaromil.dyne.org
Maxim Orlovsky
Maxim is a transhumanist and cypherpunk performing scientific, engineering, and business activities.
His primary focus is building foundations for the future – foundations, which will unlock the full potential of individuals, enabling self-sovereignty, privacy, and censorship-resistance. This is the future of vertical progress and humanity’s evolution into forms much outside of what current collectivistic society can propose or allow.
Rachel-Rose O’Leary
Rachel-Rose O’Leary is a core dev at lunarpunk layer 1, DarkFi. She is also co-editor of the philosophy journal Agorism in the 21st Century. As a writer, she has published in egirlcapital, CoinDesk, Defiant, Wired, and elsewhere under anonymous accounts. She believes privacy is necessary for communities to define their own destinies.
J. Gdanski
J. Gdanski is the Founder and CEO of Evertas, where he has led Evertas’s technical development and underwriting, as well as secured multiple fund rounds from top investors; he is a security, privacy, and risk expert.
Prior to launching Evertas, he was a leader in the enterprise blockchain space and was one of the first to work on institutional custody for crypto. In this capacity, he served as an early, significant contributor to blockchain consortia including R3 and Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, of which he was a founding member. He was an integral part of the first enterprise blockchain RFP and has worked on numerous blockchain-based systems.
J9 / ThatOnePrivacyGirl is a privacy researcher, independent investigative journalist, and educator on topics of informational self-determination and (counter)surveillance. She is the author of ‘This Month In Bitcoin Privacy’ (TMIBP) newsletter, and a board member of Open Sats. During 2023, she was part of the Human Rights Foundation’s (HRF) CBDC Tracker fellowship.
As a contributor to the archaic Bitcoin Foundation, exiledsurfer has been a community builder in the ecosystem for quite some time. He is a privacy, transparency & decentralization CryptoRealist, and co-founder of Parallele Polis in Vienna.
Jarrad Hope
Jarrad came to Bitcoin in early 2011 through agorism, counter-economics & crypto-anarchy, seeing that Bitcoin could operate a monetary policy in a hostile environment, he began to view public blockchains as a voluntary social order, one that didn’t depend on a monopoly of violence. From there he participated in early attempts to generalise the bitcoin script to advance institutional libertarianism, ultimately becoming an early contributor to Ethereum. While Jarrad advances privacy technologies through developing an e2e and p2p private messaging client & super app, Status, he realised that privacy technologies are not enough and now is advocating for self-sovereign crypto-networks, the realisation of a latent cypherpunk dream, the crypto-state.
Paul Rosenberg
Paul Rosenberg is the author of the Free-Man’s Perspective newsletter and the co-founder of Cryptohippie. He is also the author of A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, Production Versus Plunder, and The Breaking Dawn. He is a co-author of The New Age of Intelligence.

Paul J. Dylan-Ennis
Paul is a researcher whose interests lie in cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin and Ethereum, with a growing focus on the latter. He believes that cryptocurrencies are best understood as cultural expressions with associated micro-economies, and his research focuses on the creativity of cryptocultures.
Paul’s research is primarily qualitative in orientation, and he draws on the theories of social imaginaries proposed by Taylor and the commons put forward by Ostrom. He is particularly interested in how these concepts manifest within the polycentric forms of governance described by Polanyi, which are characteristic of cryptocurrency cultures.
Travin Keith
Travin Keith is a former digital nomad, who was once the northernmost one while living in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. He has traveled to 45 countries and has lived in 8 of them, mostly while using one of the world’s weakest passport. On top of that, most of his movement around the world was not fully by choice, but rather driven by the need to find a new home. Now, he is involved with multiple businesses around the world with a growing interest in the food industry.
Ryan Lackey
Ryan discovered the cypherpunks mailing list as a young teenager in the early 1990s, telephoned NSA to order the NCSC Rainbow Series of books, and became a true believer in cryptoanarchy and the power of cryptography to stand up to nation-states and other oppressors. He’s worked on projects and companies involving Chaumian digital cash systems, offshore data havens in the North Sea, seasteading, uncensorable hosting technologies, remote attestation-based tamperproof cloud computing, and now cryptocurrency insurance infrastructure. He is currently the Chief Security Officer of Evertas Insurance and lives in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Juraj Bednar
Juraj is a serial entrepreneur and founder of Progressbar, Paralelná Polis, and Hacktrophy. He wrote several books, his latest one being “Cryptocurrencies – hack your way to a better life”. He creates online courses and content about privacy, crypto, and entrepreneurship.

Pavol Luptak
Pavol is a cryptoanarchist & voluntaryists focused on technology and society hacking. IT security guy, founder of IT security hacking companies (Nethemba, Hacktrophy) & contemporary art (Satori). Co-founder of Bratislava’s and Prague’s hackerspaces (Progressbar & PP). Member of Czech contemporary anti-government artistic group Ztohoven. Responsible for many anti-government & digital privacy projects.
Amin Rafiee
Founder of the world’s first Decentralized Autonomous University: Bittopia University. An advocate for decentralization, P2P economies, privacy, and bottom-up strategies. Specialized in product development & innovation pathways. Over 10 years of experience as a product engineer and designer. Netexplo UNESCO Grand Prix award winner, Amin Rafiee, a regular speaker at Bitcoin and decentralization conferences throughout Europe, including The UNESCO House in Paris, The European Commission in Brussels, The Swiss Re Centre for Global Dialogue, The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Paralelni Polis in Prague, as well as other locations throughout America and Australia.a
Amir Taaki
As part of the forming Bitcoin community, Amir became an early Bitcoin developer, author of the BIP process, and the Libbitcoin implementation. With contributions to many free and open-source projects, he collaborated with Cody Wilson on launching Darkwallet and laid the foundations for OpenBazaar. Later, he spent nearly 2 years in the Rojava revolution, first for nearly 4 months fighting in the YPG and then working for the administration on economic projects. Today, Amir is focused on the DarkFi project, a network bringing anonymity to decentralized finance, and is still working towards building an agonistic revolutionary hacker movement.
Mitch Altman
Mitch is a Berlin-based hacker and inventor, best known for inventing TV-B-Gone, as a featured speaker at hacker conferences, as an international expert on the hackerspace movement, and for teaching introductory electronics workshops. He is the founder of San Francisco hackerspace Noisebridge and also the Chief Scientist and CEO of Cornfield Electronics.
Paralelní Polis
Paralelní Polis is a one-of-a-kind nonprofit organization that brings together art, social sciences, and modern technologies. The ideas of liberty, independence, innovative thinking, and the development of society are the main underlying foundations of the project.
The project intends to remain state-free as it operates entirely without support from the government, and most of the funds come from voluntary contributions of our donors and partly from commercial activities such as running a unique coworking space and the world’s first bitcoin-only cafe.
It was founded by members of a contemporary-art group Ztohoven, and Slovak and Czech hackerspaces. Its main goal is to promote economic, social, and digital freedom. We try to be a vocal voice of liberty in order to shape the public discourse and ultimately work towards a freer future.
HCPP is the flagship event of Paralelní Polis, which has been regularly attended by over 500 fans and IT experts from all over the world. HCPP is held annually in Prague on the first weekend of October.
Since 2014, our crew has brought to you a number of unforgettable events, like: